Created by MWStJCruickshank 11 years ago
There are some people in this world who destroy and tear down. They gain some sense of power from it I suppose but leave a trail of sadness behind them that they get a kick out of. Tracy being the complete opposite to this therefore leaves behind her the opposite too. She leaves positivity, hope and happiness. My husband and I were divorced due to the poison of a supposed friend. I was so sad. We seemed to both want to repair things but the poisoning continued and this "friend" viciously arranged for his seduction by one of her cronies when he was stupidly out of his face one night. I was gutted! I washed my hands of him for a while but still had to have contact. I was there at his flat one day when Tracy came bounding in. I didn't even know her before that and didn't know he had such a friend. I felt a bit jealous really - there she was tall blonde pretty and so alive! But she was amazing and I just instantly liked her. She told my husband off for being so silly as she could see he still loved me. It made me cry!! She said, "Oh look she's even beautiful when she's crying! Sort yourself out man!" She told me how she knew what my "friend" had been up to and said she was just a nasty person and not to hold onto it, just heal the marriage and said both of us must have nothing to do with this "friend" again. It felt as if she could just see everything so clearly! She could instantly see that we should never even have split up! It seemed to make a real change in my ex then. He lost his stubborn hard-done-to front and officially asked if he could court me again with a view to remarrying. I was so happy!! The "friend" and her crony who'd slept with him hadn't finished though and tried even harder to split us up saying he had made the crony pregnant. Seems she hadn't realised he had undergone a vasectomy 8 years previously and was totally clear. Just to make sure he was tested another 2 times and the doctor told him there was malicious intent to damage his life. A great lesson really! Don't do the things that lay you open to these vicious people. And when you have the choice of friends like Tracy then hold on and value them! I felt as if i had known her my whole life. I wish I had. She threatened to punch Michael if he didn't look after me. LOL! Bless her! That was true support! And her pointed input worked! We remarried last year on the date of our initial split. A friend who repairs...that is a friend! And in that one meeting I felt like I had found one of my best ever friends!